CBD Oil is proven to aid in achieving a healthy balance in your life, but what about CBD Oil for anxiety? Does it really work?
Approximately 19.1% of Americans have experienced some kind of anxiety disorder in the last year and a similar percentage ratio applies to Australians.
Nearly one-third of all American adults (31.1 percent) will experience an anxiety disorder at some point during their lives. Approx 45% of the Australian population will suffer from some form of mental health condition during their lifetime.
Over the last few years, many people who struggle with anxiety have started using CBD (cannabidiol) oil to help them manage their symptoms.
What are the benefits of CBD oil for anxiety?
Are all these people onto something? Is it actually effective?
CBD oil is made by combining CBD Hemp extract with a carrier oil like cold pressed hemp seed oil.
What makes CBD so special, though?
CBD is one of many cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant.
It has grown popular over the last few years because it offers many of the same health benefits as THC (tetrahydrocannabinol, another cannabinoid).
But, unlike THC, CBD does not come with any intoxicating effects. Essentially, it will not get you high when you consume it.
How Does CBD Work?
Lots of people swear by CBD oil, but many of them don’t really understand the science of how it works. What is it about CBD that makes it so effective?
In order to understand how CBD works, you need to know that the body has its own, naturally occurring endocannabinoid system.
The system is found throughout the body, and it receives and translates signals sent by various cannabinoids, including CBD. It regulates various bodily functions, including immune-system responses, pain, and sleep.
The endocannabinoid system also produces its own cannabinoids. These are known as endocannabinoids because they’re produced within the body.
When THC is consumed, it stimulates the body’s cannabinoid receptors (specifically the CB1 receptors) directly.
CBD, on the other hand, does not stimulate these receptors. Instead, it helps the body use its own cannabinoids more effectively.
Anxiety and CBD Oil
Many people think of CBD oil as used exclusively for pain relief. It’s true that CBD might help people with chronic pain or injuries manage their pain better. But, tests are showing CBD could be a great tool for relieving anxiety.
Researchers have found that CBD has the potential to influence the body’s serotonin levels.
In some people, low levels of serotonin can lead to feelings of anxiety.
CBD may be able to bind to serotonin receptors. By binding to these serotonin receptors, CBD increases the availability of serotonin in the body and can improve people’s mood and anxiety levels.
The early research into the benefits of CBD for anxiety is very promising. Some of the most impressive studies are explained below:
CBD And Social Anxiety
A study in 2010 found that, in individuals who suffer from social anxiety disorder, cannabidiol showed possibilities of reducing their symptoms.
Not only did CBD help the participants feel better, but it may have also changed their brain response to these situations.
Researchers performed brain scans on the study participants and found that, after they consumed CBD, there were changes in blood flow to the regions of the brain that are linked to feelings of anxiety.
CBD And Public Speaking
The results of a 2011 study also found that people who consumed CBD before public speaking felt less anxious before and during their speech.
Participants who consumed CBD prior to speaking noticed reduced anxiety levels. They also felt less discomfort during their speech performance.
The participants who received a placebo, on the other hand, had higher levels of anxiety during their speech.
The results of studies have also shown that CBD could be beneficial to individuals who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD).
For example, one child with a traumatic history experienced reduced levels of anxiety and improved sleep quality after using CBD oil.
This could be due to CBD’s ability to help those who consume it fall asleep faster and sleep through the night.
If you’re interested in using CBD oil help you become more balanced, these tips can help you enjoy all of its potential benefits.
Tip 1: Start Small
Everyone is unique, and there isn’t a cut and dry way to calculate CBD doses on an individual basis.
While there’s no real risk of overdosing on CBD (most people just feel sleepy when they take too much), it’s generally best to start with a dose that falls on the lower end of the spectrum.
Tip 2: Increase your dosage slowly
Stick to a small dosage for the first week or so. Then, if you feel you need more or aren’t experiencing all the benefits you’re after, try increasing it gradually until you start to see the desired effect.
Tip 3: Try micro-dosing
Some people also find that their symptoms improve when they “microdose” with CBD.
Microdosing means they take CBD in small amounts throughout the day. For example, you might take a few drops in the morning, a few drops in the afternoon, and a few drops in the evening.
This can be an effective maintenance technique staying balanced throughout the day and promoting general health.
Try CBD Today
As you can see, there are lots of reasons to consider using CBD oil for balance and relief. It can help you feel calmer during stressful situations, and it can even alter the way you respond to these situations.
If you’re interested in giving CBD oil a try, head to The Good Alternative online store.
There are several different types of CBD oil (in various strengths) available to suit everyone’s needs and preferences. Start shopping for yours today!
Please note that despite the above article, these CBD products are not meant to diagnose, treat or cure and are not intended as medicinal claims. It is important that you do you own research to feel comfortable with your purchase.