Hemp Oil for Pets works just as well as it does for we humans. It is a wonderful option for treating or alleviating your pets heal
All mammals have an endo-cannabinoid system (ECS). The ECS is involved in almost every system in you and your pet’s body – cardiovascular, digestion, relaxation, and even the cognitive and memory functions.
The ECS is also a key factor in the mammalian body’s anti-inflammatory efforts. The ECS is controlled by receptors, which scientists call the CB1 and CB2 receptors.
CBD works directly with the ECS system by “antagonising” the CB1 and CB2 receptors. CB1 receptors are one of the most abundant receptors in the brain and are found in almost every neuron in a mammal’s body. CB2 receptors are found almost exclusively in the immune system.
Why Hemp Oil for Pets Works So Well
Cannabidiol (CBD) and related cannabinoids found in the hemp plant are the only compounds in the natural world that work with these receptors.
According to scientists, this means that the mammalian body (yes, including dogs and cats) have evolved to actually require CBD in order to function at optimal levels of health.
While the body manufactures its own cannabidiol just as we also manufacture our own vitamin C, when we are ill or run down our immunity is compromised.
If we or our pets have inflammatory conditions, or are in pain, CBD Hemp Oil is a 100% natural treatment which will do no harm and a lot of good.
Also, happy pets have less emotional stress affecting them and for this reason natural treatments often deliver quite dramatic results. We humans, having so much else to worry about in our lives, often require much longer by comparison than our pets for results to show.
Studies Show Great Results
Another important scientific find is that these receptors, when activated by CBD, allow for two-way communication between a mammal’s various body systems.
Previously, scientists thought the body’s signals went in one direction only. This is one of the main reasons scientists think CBD is so effective at treating spasmodic, inflammatory, pain, anxiety and many other health issues.
Scientific journals have even stated that CBD (cannabidiol) has shown anti-cancer properties in multiple scientific clinical studies – including the ability to actually kill cancer cells.
They also state that, when used in conjunction with chemotherapy, the chemotherapy is more effective at killing cancer and the surrounding healthy cells have higher survivability.
This is all great news for we humans, but also great news for pets which may suffer from inflammatory conditions like arthritis, stressful conditions such as separation anxiety or post-surgery, and for the treatment of pain.