Research has shown that CBD has many potential health benefits. While most people use CBD to help with pain, anxiety, and sleep, there’s also evidence that it can help you detox from alcohol and various drugs. Researchers believe that CBD can help by influencing the brain circuits involved in addiction. In this article, we’ll discuss
CBD For Womens Health
Cannabidiol (CBD) oil and other products containing CBD are used by millions of people to relieve pain, anxiety, and other common health concerns. But did you know that CBD can also help with women’s health issues, like PMS, menstrual cramps, menopause, and endometriosis? Better yet, CBD won’t get you high and has few and mild
CBD for Stress
We all experience stress during our daily lives. That’s even more true today with the ongoing coronavirus pandemic. While some stress is beneficial, continuous stress can worsen your health in many ways and is one of the leading health problems worldwide. There are many ways to manage stress, including exercise, reducing caffeine and alcohol intake,
Buying CBD Oil In Australia
Australia’s Therapeutic Goods Administration (TGA) recently approved the use of low-dose cannabidiol (CBD) products, finally making them available over the counter. This downgraded low-dose CBD from Schedule 4 (prescription medicine) to Schedule 3 (over-the-counter medicine), essentially making it legal to buy CBD oil and other CBD products in Australia without a doctor’s prescription. While this
CBD for High Blood Pressure
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a popular natural supplement for anxiety, pain, insomnia, and other issues. But can it also help with high blood pressure? Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure affects about 25% of adults worldwide and is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Some people report a fall in blood pressure after using
CBD for Fibromyalgia
CBD oil is becoming a popular alternative treatment for people suffering with fibromyalgia. Although there aren’t any studies looking at the benefits of CBD for this condition, there is some evidence that it can help with many of its symptoms, including pain, fatigue, insomnia, and anxiety. More importantly, researchers believe that fibromyalgia and some other
CBD for Migraines: Does It Work?
Migraine headaches can be difficult to treat, which is why many sufferers turn to alternative solutions. One such option is CBD, the beneficial, non-intoxicating compound found in cannabis plants. There’s growing evidence that migraines and certain other conditions may be caused by a dysfunctional endocannabinoid system. Since CBD and other cannabis compounds can influence this
CBD and Stroke: Potential Benefits
CBD has a long list of potential health benefits. One area that hasn’t received much attention is stroke, which occurs when blood supply to the brain is interrupted. Although some people make a full recovery after a stroke, others are left with lasting damage, affecting their ability to walk, talk, and take care of themselves.
CBD for Autism
Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a neurodevelopmental condition characterized by deficits in social interaction, motor and cognitive skills, communication, and behaviour. Autism is often accompanied by related health problems, such as anxiety, sleeping and digestive disorders, immune health issues, and neurodegeneration. It’s estimated that 164,000 Australians had autism in 2015, a number that translates to
CBD vs Pharmaceuticals
CBD oil is becoming a very popular alternative to pharmaceutical drugs. This change is inspired by public awareness of the side effects of prescription drugs as well as a rediscovery of the healing potential of plant-based medicines such as cannabis. Whether it’s for relieving anxiety, improving sleep, reducing pain and inflammation, or other benefits, many