In a recently published study researchers have found evidence that cannabidiol (CBD) can inhibit infection by SARS-CoV-2 (Coronavirus OR COVID 19) in human cells and in mice. Through studying medical records, the researchers discovered that patients taking CBD for epilepsy recorded a significant negative association with SARS-CoV-2 positive tests. In other words, those patients were
CBD for High Blood Pressure
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a popular natural supplement for anxiety, pain, insomnia, and other issues. But can it also help with high blood pressure? Also known as hypertension, high blood pressure affects about 25% of adults worldwide and is the leading risk factor for cardiovascular disease. Some people report a fall in blood pressure after using
CBD for Fibromyalgia
CBD oil is becoming a popular alternative treatment for people suffering with fibromyalgia. Although there aren’t any studies looking at the benefits of CBD for this condition, there is some evidence that it can help with many of its symptoms, including pain, fatigue, insomnia, and anxiety. More importantly, researchers believe that fibromyalgia and some other
CBD for Dementia and Alzheimer’s Disease
CBD is known to support those suffering from dementia and alzheimer’s disease. Although CBD oil is most popular for treating pain, anxiety, and insomnia, it has the potential to help with a wide range of disorders. One such cluster of conditions is dementia, which causes a decline in memory and thinking skills. In Australia alone,
Can CBD Help With Viruses?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is known to have potent antibiotic properties but can it protect against viruses too? The answer is yes, but not in the way you think. Viruses are tiny germs that can cause disease. Most Australians have experienced a viral infection in the form of a cold or flu and they can also cause
CBD Oil for Skin Conditions
CBD oil and related topical products such as creams are an increasingly popular option for relieving skin conditions. These include acne, dermatitis, psoriasis, itching, eczema, dryness, and many others. Skin disorders are quite common in Australia, largely because of exposure to high levels of UV radiation. For example, one 1999 study of 1457 Australian adults
CBD Oil for Inflammatory Bowel Disease
The potent anti-inflammatory properties of CBD oil make an excellent option for conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). A digestive disorder characterized by chronic inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract, IBD is divided into two main types: Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis. IBD is estimated to affect 61,000 Australians and is notoriously difficult to treat
CBD for Seizures and Epilepsy
CBD has proven its ability to help people who suffer from seizures and epilepsy. CBD has grown into the leading health and wellness trend. Millions of people across the world, including Australia, are using CBD oil and other CBD products to relieve everyday issues such as pain and anxiety. However, CBD can also help with
CBD for Heart Disease: What the Research Says
CBD oil may be of great benefit in the prevention of heart disease. While most of the attention has been focused on its benefits for common issues such as anxiety, pain, and insomnia, CBD also holds promise of helping with heart disease. Heart disease is a class of cardiovascular disorders that affect the heart and
CBD for Parkinsons Disease: A Promising New Treatment
There is some evidence that CBD has neuroprotective and antipsychotic properties that can help with neurodegenerative disorders such as Parkinson’s disease. This disorder is estimated to affect 82,000 Australians and will only become more widespread as Australia’s population continues to age. Cannabidiol (CBD) is rapidly growing into the leading health and wellness trend. This non-psychoactive